
The Democrat-Forced Government Shutdown

At least 5 different U.S. House passed bills to fund parts or all of the government, which Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid refused to bring any of them to the Senate for an up or down vote. In fact, he even refused to fund treatment for children with cancer stating, "Why would we want to do that?"

Reid was daring the so-called mainstream media to actually get off of the White House talking points. But why would they do that? It's not good for Obama, Reid, or the media's agenda of setting up the next election rather than doing what is right for the country.

Reid has blatantly told D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray not to screw up what he and Obama are trying to do. "I'm on your side," announced Reid, "Don't screw it up." Gray was asking Reid for some autonomy in using D.C.'s tax revenue to pay for the city's employees during the Democrat shutdown - a bill that the U.S. House passed.

What would Gray be screwing up? Is it that the Democrat forced shutdown of the government is exactly what Reid wants? Is it that over and over again Reid has refused to allow the Senate to vote on bills that would fund the government?

Is it that Reid and Obama both see this as an opportunity to take over the House next year? Is this nothing but politics as usual for Reid and the Obama Administration?

Posted October 15, 2013
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