
Conservative Victory Fund Endorses David McIntosh

The Conservative Victory Fund (CVF), the nation's oldest conservative campaign committee endorses David McIntosh for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 5th District of Indiana.

In Congress David McIntosh will fight for the principles of limited and responsible government, free markets, and traditional American values:

ï'· He believes in cutting government spending and lowering taxes to keep more money in the private sector to foster job creation. He rightly believes that the free enterprise system creates jobs, not the government.

ï'· David believes that the free markets should drive our energy policy. Government cannot force technology to advance, it is through the efforts of the innovators, not government, that efficient energy use and production will thrive.

ï'· Obamacare is a dangerous example of government overreaching its Constitutional power and David has sworn to take action to repeal it. He recognizes that Obamacare means government control of medicine and control over the life of every American.

Conservative Victory Fund is proud to endorse David McIntosh for Congress.

The late conservative leader Congressman John Ashbrook founded Conservative Victory Fund (CVF) more than forty years ago. CVF works to elect a conservative majority to the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

Posted March 16, 2012
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